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by Jennifer Hopper |

This year Australia’s most famous pop export Kylie Minogue hit 50. The pint-sized songstress took the milestone in stride with a lavish bash that confirmed 50 really is the new 40. And while questions swirled about how she felt hitting her mid-century, the real question should have been, ‘Are you getting enough calcium, Kylie?’ That’s because while 50 might be more fun than anyone ever expected, it does come with some unique health demands, including the need for more calcium! So, let’s check out what you need to know to rock 50 like it’s 40 and feel better than ever!


Most women will start the process of menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, but some start it as early as 40 while others don’t cross the threshold till 60. Dealing with the changes menopause brings can be challenging as hormone levels change and so can your body. Getting support during menopause is crucial. You can start with chatting to your GP when you start to feel the symptoms and look at therapies that may help you manage them as they progress.

Fat metabolism

Gaining excess fat is one of the worst things about ageing. In your 50s, a slowed metabolism and sedentary lifestyle can see the kilos pile on faster than ever. It’s not much fun, but it is preventable. Taking a look at your exercise regime (or lack of one!) is the first step in getting a handle on your health.

Heart health

Heart disease kills three times more women than breast cancer and yet many women don’t know their chances of getting it increases around menopause. If quitting smoking, cutting back on your sugar intake and ditching fatty snacks sounds like a good idea - it is! These are risk factors for heart disease that you can do without come your 50th b’day!

Bone heath

Bone-density loss affects millions of women worldwide, increasing the risk of breakages and the prospect of developing osteoporosis. A poor diet, lack of vitamin D, calcium and magnesium all contribute to the health of your bones. If you want to know how healthy your bones are, you can check in with your GP for a bone density scan.


Ensuring your diet is ticking all the right boxes is essential as you age. This is when deficiencies in your diet can catch up with you and leave you vulnerable to illness and disease. Take a close look at your diet to ensure you are getting plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, lowering your intake of saturated fats and boosting your intake of essential minerals and vitamins. If you think you’re coming up short, try supporting your diet with a supplement like Activated Nutrients Daily Superfood Powder for Women  can help address the shortfall.